Participants will identify procedures for using VIL Lab program design software- Vectr, Tinkercad, and OnShape in their Lab to enhance inquiry as a method of constructive learning.
Participants will identify key steps for using the Dremel 3D printer to effectively support elements of constructive learning. Functions, maintenance, and management of the Dremel printer will be explored.
Participants will identify how the use of Polar Cloud 3D printing software can assist with the management of the VIL Lab Dremel 3D printer. Features such as remote monitoring of printing and reduced filament waste will be explored.
Program participants will receive an overview of the purpose and format of the Verizon Innovative Learning Lab program instance of Canvas. They will also participate in a tour of how to find content, resources and troubleshooting support in Canvas. They will self-identify their Canvas readiness to participate in subsequent Canvas breakout sessions.
In breakout rooms, participants will explore thier individual VIL Lab Canvas accounts for the purpose of implementing the Lab curriculum.
Intermediate emphasis: Registering students, preventing duplicate student accounts, managing progress and pre-requisites, using sections and customizing your course
In the Non-Canvas breakout room, schools in districts that do not use the VIL Labs instance of Canvas will review processes for downloading the Lab elective curriculum from Canvas Commons, best practices for use in other LMS and how to report student enrollment to ASU.