2025 VIL Lab Summit
Venue: Lagunitas Lookout, ASU Football Stadium/Mountain America Stadium clear filter
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Monday, April 7

5:30pm MDT

Evening Activities and Dinner
Monday April 7, 2025 5:30pm - 7:30pm MDT
Location: ASU Football Stadium/Mountain America Stadium, specifically in the Lagunitas Lookout event space.

  • Please access the stadium via the Student Athletic Facility (SAF) located on the North side, marked with a red star on the attached map
  • Once in the SAF, take the elevators up to the 3rd floor, then look for signs to direct you to the Lagunitas Lookout

For those driving:
  • Parking Location  Please park on the North side of the stadium in Lot 59, which is circled in yellow on the attached map
  • Parking Pass: Upon parking, proceed to any Lot 59 parking kiosk. You will be prompted to enter your license plate number and the provided parking code/coupon code: 24653023.
Monday April 7, 2025 5:30pm - 7:30pm MDT
Lagunitas Lookout, ASU Football Stadium/Mountain America Stadium
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